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An Analysis on Finding the Influencing Factors of Supporting for the “GiveitUp” LPG Subsidy for the Government using Data Mining Techniques

by K. Chitra Lekha, S. Prakasam, M.C.A
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 143 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: K. Chitra Lekha, S. Prakasam, M.C.A

K. Chitra Lekha, S. Prakasam, M.C.A . An Analysis on Finding the Influencing Factors of Supporting for the “GiveitUp” LPG Subsidy for the Government using Data Mining Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 143, 5 ( Jun 2016), 34-39. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910199

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title = { An Analysis on Finding the Influencing Factors of Supporting for the “GiveitUp” LPG Subsidy for the Government using Data Mining Techniques },
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The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is light distillate, uncontaminated and efficient form of energy obtained from crude oil and the processing of natural gas. The main objective of this work is to find the respondents who support LPG subsidy “GiveitUp” scheme for the welfare of the Indian government. The purpose of this work is to investigate the obstacles that stand in the way of not surrendering the LPG subsidy. A survey has been conducted during January-April 2016 with different category respondents of 276. The questionnaire was designed to predict the factors about “GiveitUp” LPG subsidy scheme among the various sectors respondents of the society. The respondents’ survey was distributed from face to face contact in and around Kanchipuram. The WEKA software is used for the study implementation since it contains a collection of visualization tools and algorithms for data analysis. In this dissertation author used PredictiveApriori algorithm as it generates ‘n’ best association rules based on n selected and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) that predict categorical class labels. Ranking gives the binary judgement among various attributes. The SPSS tool is used to Cross tabulate between the respondents with higher income and their opinion of surrendering LPG subsidy and also between the respondents living in rural areas and their opinion of preventing the withdrawal of LPG subsidy for the government.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WEKA Data Mining PredictiveApriori CART.