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A Novel Clustering based Approach with Hybrid Cryptography to Secure Vehicular Adhoc Network

by Amandeep Singh, Sandeep Kad
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 143 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Amandeep Singh, Sandeep Kad

Amandeep Singh, Sandeep Kad . A Novel Clustering based Approach with Hybrid Cryptography to Secure Vehicular Adhoc Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 143, 3 ( Jun 2016), 19-23. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910057

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title = { A Novel Clustering based Approach with Hybrid Cryptography to Secure Vehicular Adhoc Network },
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%T A Novel Clustering based Approach with Hybrid Cryptography to Secure Vehicular Adhoc Network
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VANETs (vehicular specially appointed systems) are developing as another system environment for wise transportation frameworks. Nowdays , security conservation is most critical viewpoint in vehicular specially appointed systems as vehicular correspondence is powerless against assaults. Assailants might misuse VANETs to send sham data to trick different vehicles which prompts significant issues. Already such a large number of procedures were utilized to give security. However, the issue is that a large portion of the hubs are in the same group and as a result of that there is blockage in that bunch just furthermore a straightforward information encryption is utilized which split effectively. Presently, to conquer this issue this work has a centre to utilize a novel bunching calculation called constraining part hub grouping (LmC) calculation to restrain the quantity of part hubs for every group head by utilizing a limit esteem. This grouping approach chooses a bunch head in light of another cost capacity which considers the remaining battery level, vitality utilization and separation to the base station. At that point will actualize a half breed cryptography in view of Diffie-Hellman and AES for secure correspondence. This methodology gives an enhanced state security than others.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


LmC Clustering CA CH AES Diffie-Hellman.