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An Adaptive Data Mapping Storage Selection Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing

by Ahmed. A. A. Gad-ElRab, Eman. H. Zaky, Neveen I. Ghali
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 143 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Ahmed. A. A. Gad-ElRab, Eman. H. Zaky, Neveen I. Ghali

Ahmed. A. A. Gad-ElRab, Eman. H. Zaky, Neveen I. Ghali . An Adaptive Data Mapping Storage Selection Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 143, 12 ( Jun 2016), 41-47. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910213

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title = { An Adaptive Data Mapping Storage Selection Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing },
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%A Ahmed. A. A. Gad-ElRab
%A Eman. H. Zaky
%A Neveen I. Ghali
%T An Adaptive Data Mapping Storage Selection Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is a new computing paradigm which tends to transfer the data storage and the data processing from a mobile device to a cloud server on the Internet. The cloud server may be a block sever or a file server. In MCC, due to the limited resources of a mobile device as processing power, battery power, and memory, the main challenge is how to map data items into a cloud server and select the best mapping server among block and file servers. In this paper, the difficulties in mapping data items are addressed and a new adaptive data mapping storage scheme is proposed. The proposed scheme can select a block or file mapping for mobile data items based on a defined cost model which takes into account the energy consumption and the total time delay for sending and retrieving of data to/from the cloud server. In addition, the proposed scheme can select the optimal number of blocks and files of data items that adaptively changes with their cost models. The simulated results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a better mapping performance with minimum cost compared to the mapping data items without any selection mechanism.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing Mobile cloud computing File level storage Block level storage.