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Review Paper on Multi Notch Multi Polarization Antenna for Recent Wireless Communication

by Oshee Surbhi Nandi, Teena Raikwar, Swapnil Jain, Rahul Hatewar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 143 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Oshee Surbhi Nandi, Teena Raikwar, Swapnil Jain, Rahul Hatewar

Oshee Surbhi Nandi, Teena Raikwar, Swapnil Jain, Rahul Hatewar . Review Paper on Multi Notch Multi Polarization Antenna for Recent Wireless Communication. International Journal of Computer Applications. 143, 12 ( Jun 2016), 7-10. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909847

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title = { Review Paper on Multi Notch Multi Polarization Antenna for Recent Wireless Communication },
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issue_date = { Jun 2016 },
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year = { 2016 },
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%A Oshee Surbhi Nandi
%A Teena Raikwar
%A Swapnil Jain
%A Rahul Hatewar
%T Review Paper on Multi Notch Multi Polarization Antenna for Recent Wireless Communication
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In this paper reviewed and discuss multi notch multi polarization antenna for wireless communication, in past decade large number of research carried out, in the field of multi notch and multi polarization, the various application at specified frequency demanded notch antenna, multiple polarization and switch in polarization is strong needed, circular polarization antenna is versatile used in satellite communication, this paper review various technique to used in the designing of notch antenna, in some application needed antenna which exists linear as well as circular polarization, Over the period of time researchers have continuously contributed to improved the performance of antenna, that should be effective for modern communication. Research and development in this field have been reported by many researchers in the past few decades on the basis of different techniques. This type of antenna needed in, UWB, WLAN, satellite communication, GSM, and GPS. Dual-, triple- and quad-band antennas

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Computer Science
Information Sciences
