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Optimal Latency in Collaborative Virtual Environment to Increase User Performance: A Survey

by Shah Khalid, Sehat Ullah, Aftab Alam And Fakhrud Din
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 142 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Shah Khalid, Sehat Ullah, Aftab Alam And Fakhrud Din

Shah Khalid, Sehat Ullah, Aftab Alam And Fakhrud Din . Optimal Latency in Collaborative Virtual Environment to Increase User Performance: A Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications. 142, 3 ( May 2016), 35-47. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909723

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In this paper we evaluate Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) in terms of network latency. Network Latency main requirements, given in the literature for CVEs, have been summarized. We also discuss effects of network latency on users’ performance in the CVEs. Different factors can improve, by minimizing overall network latency, the performance of users in the CVEs. This review provides a comprehensive inside look to network latency in the CVEs and will help the researchers to adopt a network, with minimum latency, for their CVEs. The algorithms and ideas, suggested by the researchers, to be adopted by the CVEs to minimize network latency in virtual environment, are also discussed critically. Reducing network latency will ultimately improve the overall efficiency of CVEs.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Collaborative Virtual Environment Network Latency Multimedia Synchronization Consistency Throughput.