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Data Optimization Techniques using Bloom Filter in Big Data

by Ritu Jain, Mukesh Rawat, Swati Jain
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 142 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Ritu Jain, Mukesh Rawat, Swati Jain

Ritu Jain, Mukesh Rawat, Swati Jain . Data Optimization Techniques using Bloom Filter in Big Data. International Journal of Computer Applications. 142, 3 ( May 2016), 23-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909715

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title = { Data Optimization Techniques using Bloom Filter in Big Data },
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issue_date = { May 2016 },
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%A Swati Jain
%T Data Optimization Techniques using Bloom Filter in Big Data
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Due to the advent of new technologies, devices, and communication means like social networking sites, the amount of data produced by mankind is growing rapidly every year. Traditional computing techniques are not enough to process that much large amount of data. Hadoop is a bunch of technology & have capacity to store large amount of data on Data nodes. Hadoop uses MapReduce algorithm to process and analyze large scale datasets over large clusters. MapReduce is essential for Big Data processing. This algorithm divides the task into small parts and assigns those parts to many computers connected over the network, and collects the results to form the final result dataset. Bloom filter technique is probabilistic data model which is used to make processing of data more efficient. Implementation of this filter with mapper can reduce the amount of data travel. In this paper we implemented Bloom filter in Hadoop architecture. This help to reduce network traffic over network which save bandwidth as well as data storage.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Big Data Hadoop MapReduce Bloom filter.