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Campus Wireless Network Classification for Enterprise Adoption: Perspectives and Dimensions for Large Scale Computing

by E.O. Nonum, P.O. Otasowie, K.C. Okafor
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 142 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: E.O. Nonum, P.O. Otasowie, K.C. Okafor

E.O. Nonum, P.O. Otasowie, K.C. Okafor . Campus Wireless Network Classification for Enterprise Adoption: Perspectives and Dimensions for Large Scale Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 142, 12 ( May 2016), 19-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909953

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Owing to large scale computing using the cloud, services can be provisioned with reliable QoS performance. Existing Campus Wireless Network Nigerian tertiary instutions have various challenges in terms of performance, ease of integration, and cost effectiveness. In this paper, a distinct classification of functional network models, their attributes and characteristics was highlighted. Research gaps were identified and a proposed autonomic web services architecture that manages both the performance of service users and the interconnection of WiMax-Wifi infrastructure into a service overlay network was discussed. This represents an intelligent Campus Wireless Network Architecture for services convergence. Low scale and medium scale computing networks were also discussed while outlining their issues. For the large scale computing network model, the advantages of the system include: easing of management tasks through the autonomic systems, ability to self-configure, self-optimizeze and self-heal. Efficient resource management, virtualization and WiMax connectivity interfaces are the core features. This research is still on-going but have developed a workable system for both service deployment and migration without overhauling the generic platforms in existing systems. In the long run, Nigerian instutions will benefit from the improved newtork resilience with improvement in overall performance.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Campus Wide area Network Wifi Access Point Throughput Latency Enterprise servers