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Voltage Stability Assessment using GVSM and Preventive Control using SVC

by Ankit Kumar Sharma, Akash Saxena, Rajive Tiwari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 142 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Ankit Kumar Sharma, Akash Saxena, Rajive Tiwari

Ankit Kumar Sharma, Akash Saxena, Rajive Tiwari . Voltage Stability Assessment using GVSM and Preventive Control using SVC. International Journal of Computer Applications. 142, 11 ( May 2016), 23-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909865

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Voltage stability is a major concern while designing a foolproof power network. In recent years deregulated environment put an additional pressure on transmission and distribution utilities. With this fact assessment of voltage stability along with the preventive control actions are major area of research. With this motivation, this paper presents assessment of voltage stability through Global Voltage Stability Margin (GVSM). GVSM is an indicator of the system’s health from a voltage stability perspective. Three standard IEEE bus systems are simulated with different loading scenarios. Static Var Compensator (SVC) has employed for preventive control in collapse condition. The location of SVC is finalised through weak bus identification methods. Voltage stability indices namely Fast Voltage Stability Indice (FVSI) and Lmn are utilized to identify weak buses in the systems. For calculation of the Size of SVC, an optimization routine is established. This routine has an aim to maximize the GVSM. Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) is used for the optimization. The results obtained from proposed method are promising.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Global Voltage Stability Margin (GVSM) Fast Voltage Stabilty Index (FVSI) Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) and IEEE test bus systems