International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 141 - Number 5 |
Year of Publication: 2016 |
Authors: Mudassar Nawaz, Aftab Hussain, Faisal Shahzad |
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Mudassar Nawaz, Aftab Hussain, Faisal Shahzad . Improving Control over Inter ISP Traffic Volume and Enhancing Peer Selection Methodology. International Journal of Computer Applications. 141, 5 ( May 2016), 20-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909622
Modern day internet communication has evolved due to advance application layers software. These application layer software use distinct protocols like TCP, HTTP and SMTP, etc. to carry out unicast, broadcast and non-broadcast (multicast) network protocols in order to meet customers’ demand. Then there are peer to peer and non-peer to peer services. During recent times, peer to peer communication has grabbed a huge chunk of internet communication which engages a lot of network resources. Downloading and uploading with peer to peer connectivity has become a major problem for ISPs to handle. They simply choke networks and especially cross ISP links. In the wake of these problems, ISPs have enabled their systems with certain policies which are translated as limitations. Technologists and engineers have formulated applications that cooperate with ISPs to establish a harmony by not exceeding the limits. Yet there is a huge demand by ISPs to make software developers cognizant of network constraints during software development. Most of the techniques use a collaborative mechanism in which signaling between ISP and End system takes place for the purpose. However these techniques have their scenarios in which they work. This research makes use of multiple limitation techniques to bring down the inter-ISP traffic transpiring a reduction in cost. The ISP-Application resources are the same but a hybrid and dynamic system is attempted in this research to reduce traffic and cost along with helping peers with better experience.