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A Hybrid Cryptographic Technique for Secured Authentication in Cloud Computing

by Juber Mirza, Meena Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 141 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Juber Mirza, Meena Sharma

Juber Mirza, Meena Sharma . A Hybrid Cryptographic Technique for Secured Authentication in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 141, 13 ( May 2016), 51-56. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909797

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title = { A Hybrid Cryptographic Technique for Secured Authentication in Cloud Computing },
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The cloud infrastructure development and service distribution is a complex task. A number of members are contributing in this task such as clients, intermediate service providers and the data centre owners. In such kind of scenarios the infrastructure providers are distribute their service by the help of intermediate servers or vendors. Due to this the quality of service, trust, security and privacy of the data and their owner is a key issue of management. Therefore a secure and trust worthy environment is need to be created for improving the data owner trust on the primary service providers. In this presented work the key focus of the study is placed on the server security and the user trust management. Therefore the proposed technique involves the development of secure cryptographic cloud. The cryptographic cloud is implemented with the help of a hybrid cryptographic technique which involve the Data Encryption standard (DES) encryption technique for ciphering data and for key exchange the Diffie Hellman (DH) algorithm is implemented. Further for more improved security the integrity check is also implemented with the help of Message Digest (MD) 5 hash generation algorithm. After implementation of the cryptographic cloud the trust management between the primary service provider and brokers are need to implement for managing the end client trust on primary service provider. Therefore a two factor trust computation technique is proposed using the server rating and the number of request failures. This trust value is help to regulate the quality of service offered by the primary service provider. The implementation of the proposed technique is performed with the help of JAVA technology and their performance is reported with the help of space and time complexity. According to the experimental results the proposed technique offers more secure environment and with less computational overheads.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Security Trustworthy Cloud Privacy on Cloud Secure Cryptographic Cloud Transparency