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Optimization of Resources with Fine-Tuning of Transmission Parameters in VANETs

by Sharmi Sankar, Ishtiaque Mahmood, Jehad Al Khalaf BaniYounis
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 141 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Sharmi Sankar, Ishtiaque Mahmood, Jehad Al Khalaf BaniYounis

Sharmi Sankar, Ishtiaque Mahmood, Jehad Al Khalaf BaniYounis . Optimization of Resources with Fine-Tuning of Transmission Parameters in VANETs. International Journal of Computer Applications. 141, 10 ( May 2016), 20-26. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909818

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VANETs (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) are fast becoming a vital part of our life. Reliance on VANETs are growing day by day as wireless infrastructure is being used for varying resolutions such as safety/security, information/evidence, guidance/direction, etc. The amenity is rendered either by the network operator or formed with mutual co-operation amid moving vehicles at any specific immediate epoch. The ever increasing traffic of vehicles, possibly will lead to some real time disputes being encountered and it is essential to address such issues immediately on which we stumble upon, to provide virtuous services with little to no interruption. Efficiency of VANETs can be enhanced by carefully and continuously fine-tuning the transmission parameters which are instrumental in determining the handler’s experience for QoS (Quality of Service). In this paper, we have experimentally devised the values of different transmission parameters. Furthermore, default values for these transmission parameters may not deliver the best yield on an unceasing varying situation of the network. Thus, to acquire the optimum performance of VANETs in an overloaded environment, the transmission parameters are tuned further to convey better Quality of Service.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


VANETs QoS transmission parameters.