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Power Efficient Scheme for Performance Optimization in Ad Hoc Networks

by Alka Singh, Pushpa
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 14 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Alka Singh, Pushpa

Alka Singh, Pushpa . Power Efficient Scheme for Performance Optimization in Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 14, 6 ( February 2011), 38-42. DOI=10.5120/1885-2501

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A Mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self organizing and adaptive in nature. A MANET consists of a set of mobile participants who must communicate, collaborate, and interact to complete an assigned mission. The challenges of MANETs are to provide wireless, high-capacity, secure, and networked connectivity. Node mobility in MANET causes frequent changes of the network topology. Routing protocols are used to discover routes between the nodes. There are many tools available for testing and comparing the MANET routing protocols. But existing tools or simulators have several drawbacks: such as codes are very lengthy, too many header files. This paper concentrates on designing optimized line of coding and easily understandable routing protocol. The proposed protocol is power aware keeping in view the power constraint of nodes being used in the ad hoc network and design its basic structure in C++ and studies its performance on various inputs.

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  9. E.M. Royer and C.K. Toh, “A review of current routing protocols for ad hoc mobile wireless networks,” IEEE Personal Communications, 1999, 6(2), pp. 46-55.
  10. J. Broch, D. Johnson and D. Maltz, “The dynamic source routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks”, IETF Internet Draft, Http://www.ietf. org/ internetdrafts /draft-ietf-manet-dsr-01.txt, December 1998.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ad-hoc network Routing protocol Battery Power Throughput No. of Hop