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An Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture using Wireless Sensor Networks

by Vivek Katiyar, Prashant Kumar, Narottam Chand
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 14 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Vivek Katiyar, Prashant Kumar, Narottam Chand

Vivek Katiyar, Prashant Kumar, Narottam Chand . An Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture using Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 14, 2 ( January 2011), 22-26. DOI=10.5120/1816-2369

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title = { An Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture using Wireless Sensor Networks },
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%A Prashant Kumar
%A Narottam Chand
%T An Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture using Wireless Sensor Networks
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As the city road networks is growing day-by-day, the question of how to obtain information about the roads is becoming more and more challenging. In such an era Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) has emerged as a key candidate that is benefited from the unique features and capabilities of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Bluetooth technology. WSNs are composed of small tiny devices that work in autonomous manner to sense the surroundings. The Bluetooth protocol can be used for inter-vehicle communication among vehicles equipped with Bluetooth devices. ITSs are a state of art combination of transportation infrastructure and computer and information technology. ITSs can also resolve severe situations like traffic congestion and cope with emergency conditions like major accidents. This paper presents an efficient architecture that will increase the safety of road travel using the concepts of WSN and the Bluetooth protocol. We also discuss the ad-hoc network formation between vehicles and data exchange sensed by sensors. The simulation results show that Bluetooth and sensor networks can be used collaboratively to increase the safety of road travel.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Architecture Bluetooth Communication Intelligent transport system Wireless sensor networks