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Reseach Article

Survey on Design and Analysis of Mobile IP

by Barenya Bikash Hazarika, Bobby Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 139 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Barenya Bikash Hazarika, Bobby Sharma

Barenya Bikash Hazarika, Bobby Sharma . Survey on Design and Analysis of Mobile IP. International Journal of Computer Applications. 139, 2 ( April 2016), 11-15. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909111

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In today's world, communication is the most pervasive trend [13]. Among them, mobile communication is the most popular type of communication. Mobile communication services are increasing remarkably and among them mobile services that provides Internet access from mobile terminals are increasing day by day. Mobile IP is one of the dominating protocols which provides the support of mobility in the internet. [4] It represents a simple and scalable global mobility solution. In this paper, the analysis of mobile IP is presented. After the protocol overview, we then proceed to brief current developments namely Mobile IPv4 and Mobile IPv6, and the current state of standardization of Mobile IP.

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  12. AndrasG.Valko, Andrew T. Campbell "Cellular IP," Columbia University, New York
  13. J.Redi, P.Bahl "Mobile IP: A solution for transparent, seamless mobile computer communications" Report on upcoming trends in mobile computing and communication,1998
  14. J. Solomon "Mobile IP: The Internet Unplugged," Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, 1998(ISBN:0-13-856246-6)
  15. Wei Wu, WenShuing Chen, Ho-En Liao and Fongray Frank Young, “ A seamless handoff approach of Mobile IP Protocol for mobile wireless data networks”
  16. XiuJia Jin, “A survey on Network Architecture for Mobility”
  17. YoungsongMun and Hyewon K. Lee "Understanding IPv6", Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea; Daejin University, Kyungki, Korea
  18. Sun microsystems, "Mobile IP Administration Guide" part no-806-6542-10, January 2001
  19. Jin-Woo Jung, Hyun-Kook Kahng, RanganathanMudumbai, Doug Montgomery, “Performance Evaluation of Two Layered Mobility Management using Mobile IP and Session Initiation Protocol”
  20. Sumit Kumar, Anil Kumar, Vinay Kumar Nigam, Rakesh Kumar, “Perceptive approach for route optimization in mobile ip”
  21. C. Perkins, “IP Mobility Support for IPv4”
  22. Charles perkins, sun microsystems, “MOBILE IP”
  23. Oracle, “System Administration Guide”
  24. Sumit Kumar, Anil Kumar, Vinay Kumar Nigam, Rakesh Kumar, “Perceptive approach for route optimization in mobile ip”
  25. Dr. Rocky K.C Chang, “An Introduction to Mobile IPv4”, 12 March,2002
  26. Vishwajit K. Barbudhe, Aumdevi K. Barbudhe, "Mobile IPv6: Threats and solution", IJAIEM, vol-2, Issue-6, June 2013
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MIP MIPv4 MIPv6 DHCPv6 Home Agent Foreign Agent Mobile Node Care of Address Correspondent Host.