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Hybrid Method for MANET Security against Jelly Fish, Blackhole and DoS

by Prachi Sharma, Kalpana Rai, Deepak Jain, B.L. Rai
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 139 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Prachi Sharma, Kalpana Rai, Deepak Jain, B.L. Rai

Prachi Sharma, Kalpana Rai, Deepak Jain, B.L. Rai . Hybrid Method for MANET Security against Jelly Fish, Blackhole and DoS. International Journal of Computer Applications. 139, 11 ( April 2016), 20-24. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016909384

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The word mobile indicates the meaning of moving and the word ad hoc indicates the meaning of temporary or do not have any type of constant infrastructure, therefore mobile-adhoc-networks implies the networks that are temporary and allows the nodes to move within the network without any centralized administration. In this paper, the concern is on security issues found in the MANET. Then certain criteria for the security of mobile-adhoc-network and some major types of attacks are discussed which are present in it. Mainly this paper is targeted on the attacks of jellyfish and their some types. Due to some special features of MANET such as hop-by-hop communications, dynamic topology and simple and fast setup, this network has suffered lots of issues like issues in security, routing and some clustering issues. Hence, this paper tries to work by focusing on mainly for maintaining the security in MANET and some TCP-based attacks it is facing. .

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Jelly Fish Black Hole MANET Attacks