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Heart Disease Prediction System using Data Mining Techniques and Intelligent Fuzzy Approach: A Review

by V. Krishnaiah, G. Narsimha, N. Subhash Chandra
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 136 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: V. Krishnaiah, G. Narsimha, N. Subhash Chandra

V. Krishnaiah, G. Narsimha, N. Subhash Chandra . Heart Disease Prediction System using Data Mining Techniques and Intelligent Fuzzy Approach: A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 136, 2 ( February 2016), 43-51. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016908409

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The Healthcare trade usually clinical diagnosis is ended typically by doctor’s knowledge and practice. Computer Aided Decision Support System plays a major task in medical field. Data mining provides the methodology and technology to alter these mounds of data into useful information for decision making. By using data mining techniques it takes less time for the prediction of the disease with more accuracy. Among the increasing research on heart disease predicting system, it has happened to significant to categories the research outcomes and gives readers with an outline of the existing heart disease prediction techniques in each category. Data mining tools can answer trade questions that conventionally in use much time overriding to decide. In this paper we study different papers in which one or more algorithms of data mining used for the prediction of heart disease. As of the study it is observed that Fuzzy Intelligent Techniques increase the accuracy of the heart disease prediction system. The generally used techniques for Heart Disease Prediction and their complexities are summarized in this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Heart disease Data mining techniques Fuzzy approach.