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A Load Balancing Analysis of Cloud Base Application with different Service Broker Policies

by Pradeep Singh Rawat, Priti Dimri, G.P. Saroha, Varun Barthwal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 135 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Pradeep Singh Rawat, Priti Dimri, G.P. Saroha, Varun Barthwal

Pradeep Singh Rawat, Priti Dimri, G.P. Saroha, Varun Barthwal . A Load Balancing Analysis of Cloud Base Application with different Service Broker Policies. International Journal of Computer Applications. 135, 10 ( February 2016), 11-15. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016908516

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Resource provisioning and resource optimization are the key issues in cloud computing. To balance the load in across virtual machine load balancing algorithms are classified into two categories i.e. static, dynamic. For homogeneous and stable environment we prefer static load balancing algorithms. For heterogeneous, dynamic environment we prefer dynamic load balancing algorithms. Load balancing may take place in the public, private or hybrid cloud. In this paper, we focus on a load balancing policy i.e. Closest data Center with different no of virtual machines. The evaluation metrics is the response time and data center processing time. Cloud Environment is simulated for the scenario of “Internet banking” of an international bank in simulation toolkit CloudAnalyst. Using these two evaluation metrics we identify that for real deployment of such customers application what should be a threshold value of key parameters which are supported by the Cluster of users across the Globe.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MIPS Cloudlet Clouds DVFS VM CPU