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An Investigation in IT Projects Failure within Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq

by Bakhtiar M. Amen, Rebwar M. Nabi, Sardasht M. Mahmood
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 133 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Bakhtiar M. Amen, Rebwar M. Nabi, Sardasht M. Mahmood

Bakhtiar M. Amen, Rebwar M. Nabi, Sardasht M. Mahmood . An Investigation in IT Projects Failure within Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq. International Journal of Computer Applications. 133, 2 ( January 2016), 33-39. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016907734

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The importance of information technology (IT) system has extremely become crucial for governments to reduce routines, improve transparency, systemize governmental processes, easy internal communications and enhance productivity. For these reasons, most developed countries are extremely relying on increasing IT projects to provide better services for their citizens and to enhance collaboration between their directories. The aim of this paper is to identify primarily causes of several IT projects failures with Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and comparative with several other IT projects success and failure within developed countries such as Turkey, UAE and Estonia. Although, we are aiming to introduce and draws the gaps between IS design in KRG-IT projects factors in terms of culture, social, political and lack of experts were they have had a vital impacts on the KRG-IT projects failure. In This paper we have proposed a qualitative research approach to analysis the results and discover the reasons behind the failures. Furthermore, this study attempts to provide better solutions and recommendations to emphasis high-risk prototypes that affected IS in developed countries.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IT Projects Project Management Success and Failure Management Failures Information Technology IT-KRG Kurdistan IT Projects.