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Reseach Article

Fuzzy Analogical Gates Approach for Heat Integrated Distillation Systems

by M. H. Hussein, Heba A. A. Gawad
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 133 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: M. H. Hussein, Heba A. A. Gawad

M. H. Hussein, Heba A. A. Gawad . Fuzzy Analogical Gates Approach for Heat Integrated Distillation Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 133, 2 ( January 2016), 24-32. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016907541

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title = { Fuzzy Analogical Gates Approach for Heat Integrated Distillation Systems },
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issue_date = { January 2016 },
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%T Fuzzy Analogical Gates Approach for Heat Integrated Distillation Systems
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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In this paper a new systematic method for optimal synthesis of heat integrated distillation column has been developed, the proposed method which is fuzzy analogical gates consists of three sequential steps to select the best separation sequence: estimation of the normalized variables parameters, Fuzzy analogical gates and selection of the best split, Two analogical gates (symmetric and asymmetric) are employed. The symmetric gate (AND gate) inputs are the normalized heat load, normalized column temperature difference. The asymmetric gate (Invoke gate) inputs are the output of the AND gate and the normalized (Q.∆T). The method has been tested for three problems reported in the literature which have been solved previously using other approaches.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Heat Integration Fuzzy Analogical Gates Energy saving Distillation columns Heat Recovery Process Synthesis.