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Watermarking Shape Datasets with Utility and Distance Preservation

by Anshika .V. Gupta, B. M. Patil, V. M. Chandode
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 133 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Anshika .V. Gupta, B. M. Patil, V. M. Chandode

Anshika .V. Gupta, B. M. Patil, V. M. Chandode . Watermarking Shape Datasets with Utility and Distance Preservation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 133, 16 ( January 2016), 4-9. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016908092

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Due to promulgation of data over internet significance of protection of one’s intellectual property is the important topic with technological and legal aspects. Watermarking scheme is used for establishing the ownership of dataset containing multiple objects. As watermarking scheme distorts distance relationship graph, methodology preserves utility of dataset by preserving important distance properties such as nearest neighbor (NN) and minimum spanning tree (MST) of the original data set. We use fast algorithms for NN and MST which gives improved security without any sacrifice in distance relationships then NN and MST algorithms used earlier.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Algorithm fast nearest neighbor algorithm minimum spanning tree algorithm fast minimum spanning tree algorithm