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Using DNA Computing in Classification

by Abd El-Menem Abd El-Bary, Roshdy AbdelRassoul, Aya Mohamed El-Ebshihy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 133 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Abd El-Menem Abd El-Bary, Roshdy AbdelRassoul, Aya Mohamed El-Ebshihy

Abd El-Menem Abd El-Bary, Roshdy AbdelRassoul, Aya Mohamed El-Ebshihy . Using DNA Computing in Classification. International Journal of Computer Applications. 133, 11 ( January 2016), 38-44. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016908131

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author = { Abd El-Menem Abd El-Bary, Roshdy AbdelRassoul, Aya Mohamed El-Ebshihy },
title = { Using DNA Computing in Classification },
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issue_date = { January 2016 },
volume = { 133 },
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month = { January },
year = { 2016 },
issn = { 0975-8887 },
pages = { 38-44 },
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%A Abd El-Menem Abd El-Bary
%A Roshdy AbdelRassoul
%A Aya Mohamed El-Ebshihy
%T Using DNA Computing in Classification
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

This paper presents a DNA based classification technique. It exploits the properties of the DNA as a quaternary logic with the advantages of better storage, better accuracy, and shorter time compared to binary logic. Several examples are employed to demonstrate using the DNA as a new classification method for differentiation between closely related objects such as boys and girls also we used neural network to demonstrate better accuracy and predict some objects for example boys. In addition the explanation of DNA computing, Boolean Circuit using DNA, Molecular Beacons, also DNA logic gates and some applications using DNA computing. Several programming tools are used to illustrate that using the MATLAB program.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DNA DNA Computing DNA Logic Gates Molecular Beacons (MB).