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Vampire Attack Prevention to reduce Node Power Consumption in WSN

by Laxmi Choukiker, Amit Saxena, Manish Manoria
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 133 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Laxmi Choukiker, Amit Saxena, Manish Manoria

Laxmi Choukiker, Amit Saxena, Manish Manoria . Vampire Attack Prevention to reduce Node Power Consumption in WSN. International Journal of Computer Applications. 133, 11 ( January 2016), 13-17. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016908031

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%A Amit Saxena
%A Manish Manoria
%T Vampire Attack Prevention to reduce Node Power Consumption in WSN
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Mobile unintended network (WSN) area unit self-configuring, individual nodes or routers networks that move concerning freely, organize themselves randomly and area unit reticulated through wireless links that once synchronized, type a dynamic topology. The attackers during this reasonably network area unit simply changed the first routing performance by that the unfinished energy resource of nodes area unit wasted. The nodes in needed battery power for communication and it's terribly crucial concern operate the battery power of nodes with efficiency in network with none interference of aggressor. during this analysis we tend to projected a brand new energy economical routing theme with AODV routing protocol against evil spirit attack to enhance the consistency of information delivery and energy utilization. The projected IPS (Intrusion detection and hindrance System) routing theme is utilizing the energy of mobile nodes. The evil spirit aggressor is flooded the massive range of packets in network due to that ordinary intermediate nodes area unit received that packets and their energy is wasted for receiving these unwanted packets. The projected IPS is known the aggressor by their gratuitous energy consumption of mobile nodes. The network performance in presence of IPS is provides secure routing as adequate traditional routing performance. The evil spirit aggressor information loss existence in presence of IPS is marked zero e.g. the sign of reliable and secures routing. The routing performance is measured through performance matrices and therefore the projected methodology is showing the far better performance as compare to aggressor presence in network.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Energy Vampire attack WSN AODV routing performance.