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An Approach for Selecting Optimum Number of Base Stations and Optimizing Site Locations using Flower Pollination Algorithm

by Ravneet Kaur, Ashwani Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 133 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Ravneet Kaur, Ashwani Kumar

Ravneet Kaur, Ashwani Kumar . An Approach for Selecting Optimum Number of Base Stations and Optimizing Site Locations using Flower Pollination Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 133, 10 ( January 2016), 34-39. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016908063

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Wireless communication has observed inordinate advancement since the beginning of this century. There is an expansion in wireless communication due to upsurgement in demands of customers for better services. To give fine quality to customers there is need to plan the network .This work considers how to optimally locate the BTS so that maximum coverage obtained at lesser infrastructure cost. This dissertation work is intended to present the investigations on swarm based optimization technique to locate the BTS in a network. In this work to locate the BTS, firstly calculate the SINR, capacity and network performance are calculated to find optimal no. of cell sites. Thereafter FPA is used to find the location of these sites. Furthermore FPA is compared with ABC to optimally locate the BTS.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Flower Pollination Algorithm Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Base Transceiver Station Mobile Station Cellular Mobile Communication.