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Simulated Annealing and Direct Search based Optimization Models for Facility Location in Logistic Network Design

by Shaju Varughese, Gladston Raj S.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 132 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Shaju Varughese, Gladston Raj S.

Shaju Varughese, Gladston Raj S. . Simulated Annealing and Direct Search based Optimization Models for Facility Location in Logistic Network Design. International Journal of Computer Applications. 132, 8 ( December 2015), 31-37. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015907508

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%T Simulated Annealing and Direct Search based Optimization Models for Facility Location in Logistic Network Design
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Finding the optimum location of facilities is an important problem related in logistics. Locations of Distribution Centers (DCs) can be at the proximity of highways and closer to populated areas in order to speedup package deliveries and minimize the overall transport cost and time. Deciding the optimum number of DCs as well as the optimum location of DCs are the most important aspects of the design of any logistics network. Deciding the number of DCs will depend upon the budget and optimum locations of DCs will reduce the overall transport cost. As operations globalize, location decisions become more complex. A powerful approach to analyzing these problems is the transportation method of linear programming. The linear programming based methods will take much time to attain a solution in such a wide problem space. But for dealing with such wide problem space, soft computing based approaches are well suited and can find a meaningful solution in finite time. This work generate the Simulated Annealing and Direct Search based model for facility location in logistics and evaluate its performance. Also, compare the performance of this model with a k-mean clustering based model.

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  22. Mr. Shaju Varghese received his M.Sc. (Maths), M.C.A., and M.Phil. in computer Science. Now working as Head of the Department of Computer Science at Baselios Poulose II Catholicos (B. P. C ) College, Piravom, Kerala, India. He was the Principal Investigator of the Minor Research Project "Computerized Facility Location Analysis In Rural Area Using Clustering", 2010, funded by Universities Grant Commission, India. His research interest includes Data Mining, Facility Location Problem, and Cyber Cri
  23. Dr. Gladston Raj S. received his M.Sc (CS), M.Tech (Image Computing) and PhD in Computer Science from University of Kerala and Completed UGC-NET from University of Kerala and PGDCH (Computer hardware) from MicroCode, He is Now working as Head of the Department of Computer Science at Govt. College Nedumangad, Kerala, India. His area of interest includes Image Processing, Signal Processing, Datamining. He is providing research guidance for Ph.D scholars from different areas of research and has pre
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Optimization clustering logistics Euclidean distance annealing K-means Direct search maximizing minimizing facility location