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A Review on Outdoor and Indoor Automated Video Surveillance Systems

by U. Pavan Kumar, Bharathi S.H.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 132 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: U. Pavan Kumar, Bharathi S.H.

U. Pavan Kumar, Bharathi S.H. . A Review on Outdoor and Indoor Automated Video Surveillance Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 132, 6 ( December 2015), 40-47. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015907524

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Video surveillance is an important area of computer vision research, its applications including both outdoor and indoor automated surveillance systems. Detecting through video image processing is one of the most attractive alternative new technologies as it offers opportunities for performing substantially more complex tasks and providing more information than other sensors. Video Surveillance systems have as main goal to control the safety and the security of materials of which utilizing people. This paper provides an overview of various methods and techniques from the research area that address the problems of representation, recognition and learning of events, actions and activities of inhabitants from an environment.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Video surveillance tracking Shadow removes Motion detection.