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Watermarking Technique using UID for Relational Data Saving in Database

by G. Agila, N.R. Ananthanarayanan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 132 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: G. Agila, N.R. Ananthanarayanan

G. Agila, N.R. Ananthanarayanan . Watermarking Technique using UID for Relational Data Saving in Database. International Journal of Computer Applications. 132, 2 ( December 2015), 37-45. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015907305

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The technology is increasing to use the information in relational data for saving in database. This database are used in collaboration of environment is used to exact the data and the data is need to security threat for ownership rights. The watermarking is enforcing the data saving the ownership rights in relational data saving in database. In this watermarking technique was containing both reversible and non reversible technique for data storage and recovery. The watermarking technique was providing security threats concerning the ownership rights. The attacking the data saved in database which was in EyeOs cloud server to solve this problem in this watermarking technique using UID for relational data saving in database using four steps modules for encoding and decoding the discovery knowledge (data). Watermarking technique contains the following steps. They are step one is to encoding and decoding the data saved in database step two is to discover of the knowledge of original data saved in database protected from attacker.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


UID Unique Identification CS Checksum CT Cyber text DES Data Encryption Standard TS Time Stamp RCS Row Checksum BC Binary conversion .