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Reseach Article

Review on Pattern based Document Modelling Techniques

by Jimsy Johnson, Smitha C.S.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 132 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Jimsy Johnson, Smitha C.S.

Jimsy Johnson, Smitha C.S. . Review on Pattern based Document Modelling Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 132, 15 ( December 2015), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015907653

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Topic Modelling has been widely used in the fields of machine learning, text mining etc. It was proposed to generate statistical models to classify multiple topics in a collection of document, and each topic is represented by distribution of words. But many variants of topic models have been proposed and most of them are based on the concept of bag-of-words and it ignores the association of words for representing topics. Nowadays patterns are used for representing topics, since they have more discriminative power than words for representing multiple topics in a document. A detailed survey of some of the most important methods for topic modelling is presented. A brief comparison among the key techniques is also presented to complete the survey.

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  10. Yang Gao ,Yue Xu and Yuefung Li, ”Pattern based Topics for Document Modelling in Information Filtering” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining,Vol 27,No:6,June 2015.
  11. H. Cheng, X. Yan, J. Han, and C.-W. Hsu, Discriminative frequent pattern analysis for effective classication, in Proc. IEEE 23rd Int. Conf. Data Eng., 2007, pp. 716725.
  12. R. J. Bayardo Jr, Efciently mining long patterns from databases, in Proc. ACM Sigmod Record, 1998, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 8593.
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  14. Dumais, Susan T. ”Latent semantic analysis.” Annual review of information science and technology 38.1 (2004): 188-230.
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  16. Ball, Geoffrey H., and David J. Hall. ”A clustering technique for summarizing multivariate data.” Behavioral science 12.2 (1967): 153-155.
  17. H. M. Wallach, Topic modeling: Beyond bag-of-words, in Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. Mach. Learn., 2006, pp. 977984.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information Retrieval Information Filtering Topic models