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Dominant Causes for Failure in Mathematics by Engineering Students using Induced and Extended Fuzzy Clustering Model

by A. Praveen Prakash, J. Esther Jerlin, M.P. Kannan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 132 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: A. Praveen Prakash, J. Esther Jerlin, M.P. Kannan

A. Praveen Prakash, J. Esther Jerlin, M.P. Kannan . Dominant Causes for Failure in Mathematics by Engineering Students using Induced and Extended Fuzzy Clustering Model. International Journal of Computer Applications. 132, 1 ( December 2015), 15-18. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015907251

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An article published on Feb 5th, 2013 in ‘THE HINDU’ states that “Anna University results fail to add up i.e Majority of the engineering students keep arrears in engineering mathematics than other papers. This year, nearly 60 percent of second-year Anna University students have failed in the mathematics paper in their third semester. ‘In a class of 75 in electronics and communications engineering (ECE), nearly 50 have arrears in mathematics and this is supposed to be the brightest class, as many of the students were in the toppers in the class XII board exams,’ says a third-year ECE student of the college of Engineering , Guindy. Teachers say that it is an ever-growing problem”. As a remedial measure Anna University has introduced Bridge course at the entry level to ensure that the students are equipped with the basics of maths to make a smooth entry into the pursuit of engineering mathematics. We have taken this universal problem for our study in order to identify the dominant causes for such failure to take place. We have analysed this study using the newly proposed model called Induced and Extended Fuzzy Clustering Model (IEFCLM). We have discussed the study in five sections. Section one gives the description of the problem. Section two gives the description of Induced Extended Fuzzy Clustering model. In section three the problem is analysed using IEFCLM. The fourth section deals with the results and discussions and section five deals with the conclusion and suggestions based on the study.

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  2. Kosko, “Neural Networks and Fuzzy systems: A Dynamical System Approach to Machine Intelligence”, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
  3. W.B Vasantha Kandasamy and Smarandache Florentin; ‘Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps’, Xiquan, Phoenix. (2003).
  4. H.J. Zimmermann, “Fuzzy Set Theory and its application”, Fourth Edition Springer 2011.
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  6. S. Narayanamoorthy and S.Kalaiselvan, “Adaptation of induced fuzzy cognitive maps to the problem faced by the power loom workers”, I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2012, 9, 75-80.
  7. A.Praveen Prakash , J.Esther Jerlin and J.Bennilo Fernandes, “A Study on the causes for aversion to mathematics by engineering students using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps” (FCMs), International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2319-8753, Vol. 3, Issue 3, March 2014.
  8. A.Praveen Prakash , J.Esther Jerlin and J.Bennilo Fernandes, “A Study on the causes for failures in Mathematics by engineering students using Combined Fuzzy Clustering Model” (CFCLM)”, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN: 973-93-80881-76-7, Vol. 94- No 6, May 2014.
  9. A.Praveen Prakash ,M.P.Kannan and J.Esther Jerlin , “An Analysis on causes for failure in Mathematics by engineering students in Tamil Nadu using Combined Overlap Fuzzy Clustering Model”(COFCLM)”, )”, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN: 973-93-80881-76-7, Vol. 94- No 6, May 2014.
  10. A.Praveen Prakash, N.Lakshmipathy and J.Esther Jerlin, “Problems of Housemaids in Chennai City A Study Using Combined Fuzzy Cognitive Maps” (CFCMs), International Association of Engineers, ISBN: 978-988-19252-7-5, ISSN: 2078-0958, ISSN-2078-0966, Vol.I-July 2014. Pg.No.102-105.
  11. A.Praveen Prakash , J.Esther Jerlin and J.Bennilo Fernandes, “Dominant Problems of Rural Deprived Persons with Disability Using Fuzzy Cluster Analysis”, International Association Of Engineers, ISBN: 978-988-19252-7-5, ISSN: 2078-0958, ISSN-2078-0966, Vol.I-July 2014.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


FCMs IFCMs IEFCLM Hidden pattern fixed point Engineering Mathematics Failure.