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Reseach Article

XML based Mediated Query Re-writing Framework

by Jahangir khan, Muhammad Ahmed, Muhammad Khalid khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 13 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Jahangir khan, Muhammad Ahmed, Muhammad Khalid khan

Jahangir khan, Muhammad Ahmed, Muhammad Khalid khan . XML based Mediated Query Re-writing Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 13, 4 ( January 2011), 16-25. DOI=10.5120/1769-2427

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To integrate the information from heterogeneous data sources and give it a unified representation to the users is known as Information Integration. There are many application architectures that are designed for Enterprise Information Integration for solving the problems of semantic heterogeneity (the modeling problem) and query optimization (the querying problem) in Integration Architecture. Architectures such as Mediator-based in which information is coming from disseminate sources, Agent-based Architectures that have various software agents specialized in specific tasks work together to provide various integration services. Federated Architectures in which data is integrated through message-oriented middle wares. Enterprise Information Integration depends on sophisticated technologies and complex architectures. However, Query Optimization/Management is the major area of research in XML based integration systems. Since XQuery precludes the features of traditional SQL or OQL as it deals with the structured and semi-structured data sources. Focus is to present a solution to the problem of query optimization in XML-based data integration in hybrid peer to peer data management environment. The contributions to this paper are: providing a conceptual frame work for Information Integration System based on XML query language, formulation of rewriting algorithm for XML query and implementation of the proposed algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Integration Query Optimization XML based Mediated Query Re-writing (XMQR)