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Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks based on QoS Enhanced Base Station controlled Dynamic Clustering Protocol

by M.Sheik Dawood, S.Sadasivam, G.Athisha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 13 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: M.Sheik Dawood, S.Sadasivam, G.Athisha

M.Sheik Dawood, S.Sadasivam, G.Athisha . Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks based on QoS Enhanced Base Station controlled Dynamic Clustering Protocol. International Journal of Computer Applications. 13, 4 ( January 2011), 44-49. DOI=10.5120/1765-2420

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%A M.Sheik Dawood
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%A G.Athisha
%T Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks based on QoS Enhanced Base Station controlled Dynamic Clustering Protocol
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Recent development in Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) technology leads to the development of low cost and low power utilizing wireless micro sensor nodes. Wireless sensor network is a power consumingscheme, because nodes executes on restricted power batteries which reduces its lifetime. Extending the network lifetime is based on thebettermanaging of sensing node energy resource.Energy efficient routing protocol is veryessential technique in wireless sensor networks becausesensor nodes are extremely energy based. As a result, several researchers have provided different routing protocol for sensor networks, particularly routing protocols depending on clusters protocols. This is because the usage of cluster based routing has severalmeritslikeminimized control messages, re-usability of bandwidth and enhanced power control. Different cluster based routing protocol is proposed by many researchers for the purpose of reducing the consumption energy in wireless sensor networks. Those technique reduces the energy consumption but with several disadvantages like lack of QoS, inefficient transmission, etc.,To overcomethose problems, modified QoS enhanced base station controlled dynamic clustering protocolfor wireless sensor networks is proposed in this paper. Simulation results show the better energy consumption is achieved by the proposed protocol when compared to the conventional techniques.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Clustering Energyefficiency Lifetime