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Design and Optimization of Medium Access Control Protocol of IEEE 802.3 Transmitter with VHDL

by Puran Gour, Ravi Shankar Mishra, Saima Khan, Rajesh Nema
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 13 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Puran Gour, Ravi Shankar Mishra, Saima Khan, Rajesh Nema

Puran Gour, Ravi Shankar Mishra, Saima Khan, Rajesh Nema . Design and Optimization of Medium Access Control Protocol of IEEE 802.3 Transmitter with VHDL. International Journal of Computer Applications. 13, 1 ( January 2011), 8-12. DOI=10.5120/1747-2381

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The purpose of this paper is to design and develop a MAC Transmitter on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) that converts 32 bit data in to 4 bit DATA for transmitter. In this paper we design the Ethernet (802.3) connection oriented LAN Medium Access Control Transmitter (MAC). It starts by describing the behavior of MAC circuit using VHISC Hardware Description Language (VHDL). A synthesized VHDL model of the chip is developed and implemented on target technology. This paper will concentrate on the testability features that increase product reliability. It focuses on the design of a MAC Transmitter chip with embedded Built-In-Self- Test (BIST) architecture using FPGA technology.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Local Area Network (LAN) Medium Access Control(MAC) Linear feed Back Register Logical Link Control(LLC) VHISC Hardware Description Language (VHDL)