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Reseach Article

An Analysis of Registration of Brain Images using Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform

by D.Sasikala, R.Neelaveni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 13 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: D.Sasikala, R.Neelaveni

D.Sasikala, R.Neelaveni . An Analysis of Registration of Brain Images using Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform. International Journal of Computer Applications. 13, 1 ( January 2011), 23-29. DOI=10.5120/1745-2053

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A bundle of image registration procedures have been built up with enormous implication for data analysis in medicine, astrophotography, satellite imaging and little other areas. This problem proposes a solution using a technique for medical image registration using Fast Walsh Hadamard transform. This algorithm registers the images of the mono or multi modalities. Each image bit is expanded in terms of Fast Walsh Hadamard basis functions. Each basis function is an idea of resolving a choice of features of local structure, e.g., horizontal edge, corner, etc. These coefficients are normalized and used as digits in a preferred number system which lets one to outline a unique number for all type of local structure. The research outcomes confirm that Fast Walsh Hadamard transform realized better results than the traditional Walsh transform in the time domain. Also Fast Walsh Hadamard transform is further reliable in medical image registration devastating less time.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Walsh Transform Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform Local Structure Normalization Mutual Information Correlation Coefficient