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Image Processing for Fruit Shape and Texture Feature Extraction - Review

by Trupen Meruliya, Parth Dhameliya, Jainish Patel, Dilav Panchal, Pooja Kadam, Sapan Naik
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 129 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Trupen Meruliya, Parth Dhameliya, Jainish Patel, Dilav Panchal, Pooja Kadam, Sapan Naik

Trupen Meruliya, Parth Dhameliya, Jainish Patel, Dilav Panchal, Pooja Kadam, Sapan Naik . Image Processing for Fruit Shape and Texture Feature Extraction - Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 129, 8 ( November 2015), 30-33. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015907000

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%A Sapan Naik
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Image processing is effective tool for analysis in various fields and applications in agriculture. Today’s very advanced and automated industries used more accurate method for different inspection processes of agriculture object. This task known as robotics task. In Indian agriculture industry many kind of activities are done like quality inspection, sorting, assembly, painting, packaging. Above mentioned activities are done manually. By using Digital Image processing tasks done conveniently and easily. Using Digital image processing many kind of task fulfills like object Shape , size, color detection, texture extraction , firmness of object, aroma, maturity etc. In this paper various algorithms of shape detection are explained and conclusions are provided for best algorithm even merits and demerits of each algorithm or method are described preciously.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


fruit grading shape texture feature extraction classification