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An Efficent Security Farmework Design for Cloud Computing using Artificial Neural Networks

by Anshika Negi, Mayank Singh, Sanjeev Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 129 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Anshika Negi, Mayank Singh, Sanjeev Kumar

Anshika Negi, Mayank Singh, Sanjeev Kumar . An Efficent Security Farmework Design for Cloud Computing using Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 129, 4 ( November 2015), 17-21. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906805

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title = { An Efficent Security Farmework Design for Cloud Computing using Artificial Neural Networks },
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Cloud Computing is an alluring technology which provides elasticity, scalability and cost-efficiency over a network. In recent years, Data security is considered as the measure issue leading towards a hitch in the adoption of cloud computing. Data privacy, Integrity and trust issues are few severe security concerns leading to wide adoption of cloud computing. The proposed model has sufficient functionalities and capabilities which ensures the data security and integrity. The proposed Framework focuses on the encryption and decryption approach facilitating the cloud user with data security assurance. The proposed solution only talks about the increased security but does not talk about the performance. The solution also includes the functioning of forensic virtual machine, malware detection and real time monitoring of the system. In this paper, a survey of different security issues and threats are also presented. A data security framework also provides the transparency to both the cloud service provider and the cloud user thereby reducing data security threats in cloud environment.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data security Privacy Integrity Trust Cloud Computing counter propagation network cryptography artificial neural network.