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Analysis and Implementation of Combined Approach of RSA and ECC Algorithm for Enhanced Data Security

by Vaibhav Bhujade, Deepak Chaudhary
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 129 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Vaibhav Bhujade, Deepak Chaudhary

Vaibhav Bhujade, Deepak Chaudhary . Analysis and Implementation of Combined Approach of RSA and ECC Algorithm for Enhanced Data Security. International Journal of Computer Applications. 129, 15 ( November 2015), 37-42. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015907168

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%T Analysis and Implementation of Combined Approach of RSA and ECC Algorithm for Enhanced Data Security
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Cryptography is one of the important and useful technique in which usually a particular file is converted into unreadable format by using public key and private key system called as public key cryptosystem. Then as per the user requirement that file is send to another user for secure data or file transmission between original sender and receiver. In this transmission file of unreadable format is send, after receiving this file receiver used the similar algorithm technique and private key for getting the original file data. In this procedure various algorithms are used as a processing function and depending on that algorithm, used the private key. The power or strength of any algorithm is depending on the secret key used in sender client and receiver side client. For this type of secure transmission we traditionally used RSA algorithm which is more secure for use so most of the system used the same type of algorithm for secure way of communication. Even most of the financial transaction is done by the use of this algorithm as it used the strong key while encryption and decryption. But In today’s new digital world there is a numerous growth in the use of the Internet service. Behind every software generator there is lots of hacker present. So, very little amount of time will be enough to explore the security. Hence we require more strong and complex algorithms, which provide the security the Internet work of transmitting and receiving. So this proposed system enhanced the security of existing RSA algorithm by using elliptical curve cryptography (ECC) algorithm. This system secures the important data of the administrator and safely sends to the registered user by text encryption and image encryption. Also proposed system provide good authentication for the user.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cryptography Authentication Plain Text cipher text RSA ECC