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Techniques of Digital Image Watermarking: A Review

by Amit Mehto, Neelesh Mehra
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 128 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Amit Mehto, Neelesh Mehra

Amit Mehto, Neelesh Mehra . Techniques of Digital Image Watermarking: A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 128, 9 ( October 2015), 21-33. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906629

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In today’s digital word it is very common to distribute digital image as a part of multimedia technology by use of the Internet. Security of this digital data over the Internet is very popular field among researchers. Watermarking is a process that embeds data or watermark inside data such that it cannot be easily accessed by authorized person. Watermarking provides copyright protection of digital data. Digital Image Water marking is a subfield of Digital watermarking, and it concerns with protection of digital image from unauthorized reproduction and modification. In digital watermarking, a secondary image is a watermark and this watermark lied into the host image and provides protection. Different Digital Image watermarking methods have been proposed in this field to maintain content authentication, copyright protection, tamper protection and many other application. This paper presents a model for digital image watermarking, properties and applications. Moreover, this paper present a survey on different types of digital Image watermarks. This paper reviews different aspects of digital image watermarking for protecting digital data and provide review of digital image watermarking methods named: Least Significant Bit (LSB), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Discrete Wavelet Transform Discrete Cosine Transform Peak Signal to Noise Ratio.