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Reseach Article

Management of Underground Infrastructure

by Sachin Bajaj, Amol Adhave, Priyanka Avhad
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 128 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Sachin Bajaj, Amol Adhave, Priyanka Avhad

Sachin Bajaj, Amol Adhave, Priyanka Avhad . Management of Underground Infrastructure. International Journal of Computer Applications. 128, 9 ( October 2015), 11-17. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906627

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India has announced a project of making 100 smart cities. For making a smart city one needs to consider many parameters such as smart water, smart electricity, smart transportation etc. There will be a need of smart underground infrastructure which includes underground water pipelines, communication cables, gas pipelines, electric flow, etc. As most of the cities in India have adopted underground drainage system, it is very important that this system should work in proper manner to keep the city clean, safe and healthy. If they fail to maintain the drainage system the pure water may get contaminated with drainage water and can spread infectious diseases. So different kind of work has been done to detect, maintain and manage these underground systems. Also Leaks and bursts are an unavoidable aspect of water distribution systems management, and can account for significant water loss within a distribution network if left undetected for long periods. This paper presents the implementation and design functions for monitoring and managing underground drainage system with different approaches. It also gives description about Waterwise system and detection method to detect leakage defects in sewer pipeline. Also some part of condition rating model for underground Infrastructure Sustainable Water Mains and Intelligent system for underground pipeline assessment, rehabilitation and management are explained.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


GPS RFID Metal Detector Sensor WaterWise.