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Cryptanalysis of bcrypt and SHA-512 using Distributed Processing over the Cloud

by Atishay Aggarwal, Pranav Chaphekar, Rohit Mandrekar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 128 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Atishay Aggarwal, Pranav Chaphekar, Rohit Mandrekar

Atishay Aggarwal, Pranav Chaphekar, Rohit Mandrekar . Cryptanalysis of bcrypt and SHA-512 using Distributed Processing over the Cloud. International Journal of Computer Applications. 128, 16 ( October 2015), 13-16. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906744

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Passwords are one of the commonly used method to protect one’s personal information against the intruders. But storing passwords as plaintext is not safe, hence they are saved in form of hashes. And authentication occurs by comparing the hash in the database to the hash generated from input taken. It is crucial that the hashing algorithm is not only tough to reverse engineer but, should also be nearly impossible to find a collision [1]. The study considers a different approach using distributed processing to compute multiple hashes at a very high speed, making one of the most widely used hashing algorithm SHA- 512[2] seem not that secure after all. The approach involves cryptanalyzing bcrypt, another hashing algorithm, and concluding whether it’s a good alternative.

  1. Lin Zhou and Wenbao Han, “A brief implementation analysis of SHA-1 on FPGAs, GPUs and Cell Processors”, 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation, IEEE,Pages 101-104,May 2009
  2. Shay Gueron,et al., “SHA-512/256”, 2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, IEEE.Pages 354-358 ,April 2011
  3. Kelly Brown, “The Dangers of Weak Hashes”, SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room, June
  4. “Descriptions of SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512”[Online].Available:
  5. Wiemer, F. and Zimmermann, R. 2014 High-speed implementation of bcrypt password search using special-purpose hardware. IEEE conference Publications. Pages
  6. A. Narayanan and V. Shmatikov, “Fast Dictionary Attacks on Passwords Using Time-Space Tradeoff”[Online].Available:
  7. Tatli,E.I., August 2015. “Cracking more password hashes with patterns.” IEEE. Pages 1656 -1665
  8. Katja Malvoni, “Energy Efficient bcrypt cracking with low-cost parallel hardware”,USENIX Association,Berkley,CA,USA,2014
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Keyspace Hashing bcrypt SHA-512 Cryptanalysis Distributed processing Cloud. Cluster