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Analysis of Map Reduce Performance using Prefetching Mechanism

by Abhilasha Singh, Chetali Parve, Priyanka Tripathi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 128 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Abhilasha Singh, Chetali Parve, Priyanka Tripathi

Abhilasha Singh, Chetali Parve, Priyanka Tripathi . Analysis of Map Reduce Performance using Prefetching Mechanism. International Journal of Computer Applications. 128, 11 ( October 2015), 11-13. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906666

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title = { Analysis of Map Reduce Performance using Prefetching Mechanism },
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In this massive technological atmosphere the number of information generated is increasing at an awfully high rate. Distributed storage system will be used for storing this immense quantity of information. Massive information will be handled by victimization hadoop and map reduces. The multiple node clusters will discover victimization the hadoop framework. Hadoop comes with default distributed file system that is hadoop distributed file system. The mapped is enforced by map technique and that we can see the performance of map reduce task on the bases of bytes written. The amount of bytes written by map task doesn't increase with the amount of files increasing. The explanation is that once the reduce function perform reduces the map output it simply combines the output of the map function. Thus so as to enhance the performance of map reduce task we are going to setup the cluster of nodes in heterogeneous atmosphere and analyze the behavior of map reduce task victimization the perfecting mechanism.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Hadoop hadoop distributed file system map reduce prefetching mechanism.