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Futuristic Computational Technologies: A Scenario Analysis

by Gopakumaran T. Thampi, Amol C. Adamuthe
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 127 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Gopakumaran T. Thampi, Amol C. Adamuthe

Gopakumaran T. Thampi, Amol C. Adamuthe . Futuristic Computational Technologies: A Scenario Analysis. International Journal of Computer Applications. 127, 16 ( October 2015), 15-21. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906687

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Computational technologies are changing rapidly due to fast and huge demand for computational power for variety of applications, societal factors and advances in science and technology. It is difficult to forecast exact nature of future computational technologies due to multiple and dynamic factors influencing technology advances. The paper focuses on computational technology trend from macro perspective including technological, societal, behavioral aspects. The output of this paper is twofold, first it presents drivers behind the historical development and probable futuristic computational technologies using technology push and market pull concepts. Second, it describes futuristic computational technologies using the scenario method. Further the paper list the impact of futuristic technologies on economy, national development and enterprises.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Computational technology Scenario analysis Technology push Market pull social impacts of computational technology.