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Various Approaches towards Cryptanalysis

by Shaligram Prajapat, Ramjeevan Singh Thakur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 127 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Shaligram Prajapat, Ramjeevan Singh Thakur

Shaligram Prajapat, Ramjeevan Singh Thakur . Various Approaches towards Cryptanalysis. International Journal of Computer Applications. 127, 14 ( October 2015), 15-24. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906518

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Cryptanalysis is very important step for auditing and checking strength of any cryptosystem. Some of these cryptosystem ensures confidentiality and security of large information exchange from source to destination using symmetric key cryptography. The cryptanalyst investigates the strength and identifies the weakness of the key as well as enciphering algorithm. With the increase in key size, the time and effort required predicting the correct key increases. So, the Trend of increasing key size from 1 Byte to 8 Bytes to strengthen the cryptosystem and hence algorithm continues with compromise on the cost of time and computation. Automatic Variable Key (AVK) based symmetric key cryptosystem is an alternative to this style by fixing up key size and adding security level direction. Whenever any new cryptographic method is invented to replace existing vulnerable cryptographic method, it’s deep analysis from all perspectives (Hacker / Cryptanalyst as well as User) is desirable and proper study and evaluation of its performance is must. New cryptic techniques may exploit benefits of advances in computational methods like ANN, GA, SI etc. These techniques for cryptanalysis are changing drastically to reduce cryptographic complexity. In this paper a detailed survey and direction of development work has been conducted. The work compares these new methods with state of art approaches and presents future scope and directions from the cryptic mining perspectives.

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  48. Shaligram Prajapat, R.S.Thakur, "Markov Analysis of AVK Approach of Symmetric Key Based Cryptosystem ",Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2015,Springer LNCS: Volume 9159, 2015, pp 164-176,Jun 2015,doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21413-9_12,ISBN:9783319214139 and 9783319214122.
  49. Shaligram Prajapat, R. S.Thakur, "Cryptic-Mining: Association Rules Extractions Using Session Log ", Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2015,Springer LNCS: Volume 9158, 2015, pp 699-711,Jun 2015,doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21413-9_12.
  50. Shaligram Prajapat, A. Thakur, K. Maheshwari and Ramjeevan Singh Thakur, “Cryptic Mining in Light of Artificial Intelligence”,In second International Conference On Advances In Computing, Control And Networking - ACCN 2015 Digital Object Identifier: 10.15224/978-1-63248-073-6-77 Publication Year: 2015, Page(s):131 – 135.
  51. Shaligram Prajapat, A.Thakur, K.Maheshwari, R.S.Thakur, “ Cryptic Minining in the light of Artificial Intelligence”,(Extended version), Published in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 6(8), 2015. (DOI):10.14569/IJACSA.2015.060808
  52. Shaligram Prajapat, G. Parmar,R.S. Thakur,” Towards investigation of efficient Cryptosystem using SGcrypter”, ICCP-2015 and (extended paper) is in press IJAER.
  53. Shaligram Prajapat, R.S. Thakur, “Stochastic and Markov Analysis of AVK based cryptosystem”, IEEE-ICCCC-2015 at MITM Indore.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


cryptanalysis Hacker AI Genetic Algorithm Swarm Intelligence cipher neural network cryptography Artificial Neural Networks