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Intelligent Agents in Learning Environment ABDITS

by Shweta Mahlawat, O.P. Rishi, Praveen Dhyani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 127 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Shweta Mahlawat, O.P. Rishi, Praveen Dhyani

Shweta Mahlawat, O.P. Rishi, Praveen Dhyani . Intelligent Agents in Learning Environment ABDITS. International Journal of Computer Applications. 127, 12 ( October 2015), 17-22. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906550

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In this paper, a multiagent system i.e. named ABDITS (Agent Based Distributed Intelligent Tutoring System) is presented, which is customizable, dynamic, intelligent and adaptive with Pedagogy view for learners in intelligent schools. This system is an integration of adaptive web-based learning with expert systems as well. A crucial feature of the ABDITS personal agent is that the case based reasoning approach for student modeling. The system will categorize students in step with their skills in processing, perceiving, entering, organizing and understanding the knowledge. Intelligent agents are intended to examine the opportunities to enhance the teaching and to motivate the scholars to be told what they require, in an exceedingly user friendly environment that suits their learning style.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
