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Digital Audio Watermarking using Frequency Masking Technique

by Ankita Tiwari, Lalit Jain
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 126 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ankita Tiwari, Lalit Jain

Ankita Tiwari, Lalit Jain . Digital Audio Watermarking using Frequency Masking Technique. International Journal of Computer Applications. 126, 4 ( September 2015), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906026

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There is a need of an effective watermarking technique for copyright protection and authentication of intellectual Property [12]. In this work we propose a digital watermarking technique which makes use of simultaneous frequency masking to hide the watermark information into host. The algorithm is based on Psychoacoustic Auditory Model and Spread Spectrum theory [2]. It generates a watermark signal using spread spectrum theory and embeds it into the signal by measuring the masking threshold using Modified Psychoacoustic Auditory model and using dct transform. Since the watermark is shaped to lie below the masking threshold, the difference between the original and the watermarked copy is imperceptible. Recovery of the watermark is performed without the knowledge of the original signal. The software system is implemented using MATLAB and the characteristics studied.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Frequency Masking Watermarking Embed MATLAB.