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Morphometric Analysis of Watershed of Sub-drainage of Godavari River in Marathwada, Ambad Region by using Remote Sensing

by Ashok S. Sangle, Pravin L. Yannawar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 125 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ashok S. Sangle, Pravin L. Yannawar

Ashok S. Sangle, Pravin L. Yannawar . Morphometric Analysis of Watershed of Sub-drainage of Godavari River in Marathwada, Ambad Region by using Remote Sensing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 125, 5 ( September 2015), 30-35. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015905918

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The use of GIS and remote sensing to prepare management and planning of natural resources of the geography is widely acknowledged. Progress in these technologies offers many advantages of taking a synoptic view of the natural resources, natural features at a glance to quicker planning and management of the end user related issues. This research work focuses on management of Natural resources used in water conservation, such as primarily drainage development, watershed evaluation and its characterization, harnessing the morphometric parameters of the topography. It's helpful in management of drought affected area and agriculture practices; finally enhances water tables and the requirement of water for food production ultimately full filled. The results were obtained with a DEM 90m resolution and Toposheets data set reveals out that the watershed area was 204 There were total 51 number of streams with cumulative stream length has 99.84 km, drainage density has 0.48, form factor has 0.19, circulatory ratio has 0.2, elongation ratio has 0.05 and bifurcation ratio has 2.73 of the characteristics of given basin topography.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IRS- Indian remote Sensing RS-Remote sensing SOI- Survey of India LISS- Linear imaging self-scanning SRTM-Shuttle radar Topography mission.