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Enhanced Inter Cluster Data Aggregation based RN-LEACH Protocol using Hybrid PSO-GA

by Rajwinder Kaur, Shaveta Angurala
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 125 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Rajwinder Kaur, Shaveta Angurala

Rajwinder Kaur, Shaveta Angurala . Enhanced Inter Cluster Data Aggregation based RN-LEACH Protocol using Hybrid PSO-GA. International Journal of Computer Applications. 125, 3 ( September 2015), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015905850

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Wireless sensor networks consist of battery driven devices that contain limited energy resources. Due to the placement of sensor nodes in a hostile environment it is very difficult to recharge the batteries of nodes .So limited energy resource affects the lifetime of the network. Number of protocols has been proposed to reduce the dissipation of energy. This paper has proposed a novel rendezvous nodes based LEACH (RN-LEACH) by using the hybrid PSO-GA based inter cluster data aggregation. The hybrid PSO-GA based technique has improved the path selection between the sink and cluster heads to reduce the energy consumption of cluster heads in an optimistic manner. The results have clearly shown that the proposed technique outperforms over the available methods.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Inter cluster data aggregation Clustering Mobility Rendezvous node (RN) Energy efficiency Network lifetime.