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Reseach Article

Literature Review of Load Balancing Routing Protocols in MANET

by Mahdi Abdulkader Salem, Ragav Yadav
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 125 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Mahdi Abdulkader Salem, Ragav Yadav

Mahdi Abdulkader Salem, Ragav Yadav . Literature Review of Load Balancing Routing Protocols in MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 125, 14 ( September 2015), 5-11. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906252

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title = { Literature Review of Load Balancing Routing Protocols in MANET },
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Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is nothing but group of radio devices communicating with each other without using any physical infrastructure. MANET is widely used in day to day life applications, hence it is required that such network should perform efficiently. Efficiency of MANET is mainly depends on use of routing protocols. The efficiency of routing protocol is evaluated in terms of different Quality of Service (QoS) metrics. Achieving good QoS in MANET is more challenging as compared to wired networks due to mobile network, limited battery and no centralized control. Therefore different MANET routing protocols are introduced by various authors with goal of achieving efficient load balancing and QoS. In recent time, there are many new routing protocols were introduced those are presented for improving QoS. The aim of this paper is to give introduction to different MANET routing protocols and categories. Challenges and issues of achieving QoS in MANET then discussed different performance metrics which decides the QoS of MANET routing protocols. Finally presented different Load balancing routing protocols presented along with their merits and demerits are discussed.

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  10. Ammar Odeh, Eman AbdelFattah and Muneer Alshowkan, Performance Evaluation Of AODV And DSR Routing Protocols In Manet Networks, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.3, No.4, July 2012.
  11. Mina Vajed Khiavi, Shahram Jamali, Sajjad Jahanbakhsh Gudakahriz, Performance Comparison of AODV, DSDV, DSR and TORA Routing Protocols in MANETs, International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences. Vol., 3 (7), 1429-1436, 2012 ISSN 2251-838X ©2012 Victor Quest Publications.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MANET Reactive Routing protocols Hybrid QoS and Load Balancing Proactive.