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E-Commerce Trend in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Tanzania

by Kenneth Longo Mlelwa, Bukaza Chachage, Yonah O. Zaipuna
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 125 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Kenneth Longo Mlelwa, Bukaza Chachage, Yonah O. Zaipuna

Kenneth Longo Mlelwa, Bukaza Chachage, Yonah O. Zaipuna . E-Commerce Trend in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Tanzania. International Journal of Computer Applications. 125, 1 ( September 2015), 27-33. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015905220

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As the World Wide Web (www) has grown so is the number of eCommerce merchants has also grown. As there are some very well-known and high profile eCommerce success stories so are many, many failures. The Internet has become an important channel for business success, and as such it is becoming the channel for communications and transactions. This has led to growth in eCommerce; and as this has grown so has the concerns about security. Often said security and trust are main reasons for consumers not purchasing from internet. Unlike traditional commerce absence of physical clues and physical interaction in the online environment make it more difficulties to establish trust with the consumers. Hence it more important for online venders to learn how to manage customer’s trust in eCommerce. Although creating a customer’s trust on online is a challenge for most eCommerce companies. This paper presents the results of the initial work of the study on A Novel framework for Assuring Secure eCommerce Transactions in developing countries with Tanzania as a case study.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


eCommerce Trend eCommerce Trend Tanzanian eCommerce Trend.