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Implementing the VOIP Communication Principles using Raspberry Pi as Server

by Preeti V. Murkute, V.M. Deshmukh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 124 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Preeti V. Murkute, V.M. Deshmukh

Preeti V. Murkute, V.M. Deshmukh . Implementing the VOIP Communication Principles using Raspberry Pi as Server. International Journal of Computer Applications. 124, 4 ( August 2015), 34-38. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015905449

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VoIP stands for Voice over IP (Internet Protocol), a variety of methods are there for establishing two-way multi-media communications over the Internet or other IP-based packet switched networks. VoIP has two goals: The first is reduction in telephone charges by sending the call as packets over the data lines or internet. The second goal is to provide flexible voice networks, like allowing multiple calls on same physical link. Applications of real-time VoIP communication have come into widespread use over the Internet. [2] VoIP in Embedded systems is one of the blind spots, where due to its over reliance on PC environment restricts its application. In this project we have reviewed the application of VoIP on embedded systems and also proposed a system to set its application using better components. The proposed hardware uses raspberry pi board with VoIP protocols. It adapts the SIP (Session Initialization Protocol), IAX/IAX2 (Inter Asterisk Protocol: Open source trucking protocol).The system sets a small intranet that can be used by any organization for communicating within itself at no data charges. The raspberry Pi is programmed at kernel level of Linux and thus works as a server. The system utilizes the freely available telephony software like Asterisk, FreePBX for the development of codes which makes the system cost effective.

  1. Jian Wang, Wenbo Zhai, “An Application of VoIP Communication on Embedded System” 2010 IEEE International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010),
  2. Zachary D. Lund, “A VoIP Implementation on an Embedded Platform,” IEEE Marquette University ,2009
  3. Samrat Ganguly, Sudeept Bhatnagar , "VOIP: wireless, P2P and New Enterprise Voice Over IP," England; Wiley, 2008.
  4. Divya G.S, Dr.P.C.Srikanth, “Embedded VoIP Communication System with Graphical User Interface Features” 4th ICCCNT 2013 July 4-6, 2013, Tiruchengode, India .
  5. Jan Janak, SIP Introduction, Copyright © 2003 FhG FOKUS
  6. Mark spencer, “Asterisk”, the future of IP telephony
  7. Uben Upton, Gareth halfacree, “Raspberry Pi User Guide”, Wiley Publication
  8. Eli Shoval, “Signal Processing Technologies in Voice over IP “,AudioCodes Ltd,2006
  9. Alex Rober, “FreePBX Powerful Telephony Solutions”, Aug 2009, pub. Ref.1200809
  10. Ankita Bhondge, Aditi Bhatkar, Sapna Fender, Sonali Thakre, Megha Goel ,” Interactive Voice Response System by Using Asterisk”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)Vol. 3, Issue 3, March 2015
  11. Daniele Rizzetto et al, “A voice over IP service Architecture for integrated Communication”, IEEE Networks, May/June, 1999, pg. 34-40
  12. J. Rosenberg/H. Schulzrinne/G. Camarillo/A. Johnston/J. Peterson/R. Sparks/M., “SIP: Session Initialization Protocol”, Network Working Group
  13. Bill Douskalis, “IP Telephony – The Integration of Robust VoIP Services”, Prentice Hall PTR 2000.
  14. Ur Goode, “Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.90, No.9, September 2002, pg. 1495-1517
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


VoIP Embedded Systems SIP Asterisk protocols Kernel codes Session Initialization Protocol Server-Client model Raspberry Pi Board