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I Q R based Approach for Energy Efficient Dynamic VM Consolidation for Green Cloud Data Centers

by Praveen Shukla, R.K. Pateriya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 123 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Praveen Shukla, R.K. Pateriya

Praveen Shukla, R.K. Pateriya . I Q R based Approach for Energy Efficient Dynamic VM Consolidation for Green Cloud Data Centers. International Journal of Computer Applications. 123, 9 ( August 2015), 28-32. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015905618

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%T I Q R based Approach for Energy Efficient Dynamic VM Consolidation for Green Cloud Data Centers
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With the advent of cloud computing in the arena of IT field energy consumption and service level agreement (SLA) violation emerge as a major problem, which reduces the profit of cloud service providers (CSP) and affect the cloud customers by fencing the reusability and scalability of the cloud data center services. This problem needs to be eradicate for the efficient resource provisioning in cloud data center. To satisfy the customer need virtual machine (VM) migration technique is required to balance the load of entire data center. Therefore we need to transfer the virtual machine of the overloaded host to the light weighted host using virtual machine migration technique. Due to frequent load balancing of cloud data center enormous amount of energy consumption takes place. This enhances the overall energy cost and degrades the performance of cloud data center. This paper proposes an Energy Efficient Dynamic VM Consolidation algorithm for reducing energy consumption.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing Cloud service provider (CSP) Energy consumption SLA violation Load balancing VM migration.