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Reseach Article

The Road to Emotion Mining in Social Network

by Hany Mohamed, Ayman Ezzat, Mostafa Sami
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 123 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Hany Mohamed, Ayman Ezzat, Mostafa Sami

Hany Mohamed, Ayman Ezzat, Mostafa Sami . The Road to Emotion Mining in Social Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 123, 18 ( August 2015), 41-47. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015905779

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Affective computing is a highly computer research trend in last years, which related to human emotions and how computer interacts. While emotion is a fundamental in human experience, it becomes an ideal resource for servicing business or decision making. In ancient times, natural interfaces are likely to be used to provide ubiquitous computing. Although great achievement done, there still exist three challenges which are Cheap, Low power and software system. With the explosive growth of social media, people are using it to express their emotion or opinion. Currently, there are large amount of user generated data in different format ( i.e. Blog, Tweets, Posts, discussion forums) that represent individual expression feelings towards daily life activates whether it is product, topic, event, news, or personal life. As a result, a lot of researchers are done for detecting what humans feel now in social network; they fall under the scope of topic called emotion mining, opinion mining, or sentiment analysis. In this paper, we will survey the development done for emotion mining with a comparative study for different approaches. In addition, an investigation for technology used in this area and how it is applied, will be presented.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Natural Language processing Machine Learning Emotion mining sentiment analysis social network.